
At Kristian Allan we endeavour to make our sales particulars as detailed and accurate as possible but they are set out for guidance purposes only. All descriptions, references to condition and necessary permission for use and occupation and any other details are given without responsibility and must not be relied upon as a statement of fact. Any services, systems and appliances listed in this specification have not been tested by us and no guarantee as to their operating ability or efficiency is given.

All measurements have been taken as a guide to prospective buyers only and must not be relied upon as being precise. The Seller does not include in the sale any curtains, blinds furnishings, electrical/gas appliances (whether connected or not) unless expressly mentioned in these particulars as forming part of the sale.

Important note to purchasers

We endeavour to make our sales particulars an accurate and reliable reflection of the property. They do not however constitute or form part of an offer or any contract and are not to be relied upon as statements of representation or fact. Any services, systems and appliances listed in this specification have not been tested by us and no guarantee as to their operating ability or efficiency is given. You should confirm the boundaries and land ownership of the property with your legal representative.

All measurements have been taken as a guide to prospective buyers only, and are not precise. Please be advised that some of the details in the particulars may be awaiting vendor approval. If you require clarification or further information on any points, please contact us, especially if you are traveling some distance to view.

Fixtures and fittings unless specifically stated are to be agreed during negotiations with the seller.

Start your property journey with us.